Saturday, April 19, 2014

Spiked Collar

Name: Spiked Collar (Rare)

Beta: Yes

Rare: Yes

Colors: Red, Black, Yellow, Purple, Pink, Green, Blue, And Orange.

Examples Of Jammers With Them: Bepper, Julian2, Gummyunicorn

Just Something I Wanna Tell You Guys.

I will be back 'n playing on Snowy5564 at 12:00. Sorry I couldn't get on earlier, it's because I was suspended for a few days. I told someone my Skype username... I won't make THAT mistake again! It's silly of me to had done that.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Me And This Blog!

My username is Samansa. I will be posting all kinds of new stuff on this blog. Just check back at least once a week for more :3